Every Wednesday this summer A.C. Moore has a make and take FREE activity, this week (July 14th) they are doing Yarn Striped Pencils. Prefect craft for getting ready to go back to school since year round school are already heading back into the classrooms!!!
The Kids' Summer Fun Wednesday is from 3 to 5pm and is for ages 4+! (our store did not turn down my 3 year old who wanted to do one of the activities when we went last time)
And on Thursday, July 15th 3 to 5pm they are doing a Silly Bandz Trading Party!!!
If you have an elementary school age child then you probably know all about the oh so popular Silly Bandz!!!
The Trading Party is FREE and they want kids to bring in their Silly Bandz and trade w/ (and make) new friends!
Please click HERE to find a store near you!
![New! The Original Silly Bandz! We now cary Rock Band, Spring, Animals, Princess, and more!](http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs450.ash1/24806_378828638701_127567573701_3775332_6847189_s.jpg)
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